Personal Injury Investigations
General Insurance Investigations
Corporate and Commercial Investigations
What makes us different?

Innovative business model
An innovative business model that favours employee investigators, rather than independent contractors, gives clients consistently excellent investigation results and quality client service. It’s a real point of difference from other investigation service providers.

Domain-specialist teams
Quantumcorp pioneered domain-specialist investigation teams. Dedicated investigators, employed for their skills, background, qualifications and experience in their special field, deliver better, faster and more relevant investigations results for Quantumcorp clients.

Widely recognised as the most relevant investigations case management system in the insurance sector, Q-track provides a completely integrated investigation management and reporting system for clients.
Why Quantumcorp?

Efficient referral management
Rapid turnaround on investigations leads to cost-savings and drives claims and recoveries to finalisation.

National investigations coverage
Australia-wide investigations backed by dedicated managers,
consistent systems, Q-track, and centralised quality assurance.

Leading technology: Q-track
The best in technology is the foundation of excellent, low-cost service.

Intelligent & reliable specialist teams
A pool of more than 150 investigators, ready to serve you.

Continuous improvement & innovation
An acknowledged innovator and industry leader, Quantumcorp has pioneered many firsts.

Measurable results, not promises
Service is supported by technology that tracks, measures, monitors and reports on each case.