Specialist claims advisor, specialist team CGU Workers Compensation

Specialist claims advisor, specialist team CGU Workers Compensation

“The quick turnaround from referral to report has enabled CGU to make a soundly based decision in relation to liability for these claims, prior to any payments being made. This has provided a significant saving to the scheme. Quantumcorp has provided excellent service, and has provided quality reports within these short timeframes.”

Specialist claims advisor
CGU Workers Compensation
(Agent for NSW WorkCover Scheme)


Specialist claims advisor
CGU Workers Compensation
(Agent for NSW WorkCover Scheme)

“The quick turnaround from referral to report has enabled CGU to make a soundly based decision in relation to liability for these claims, prior to any payments being made. This has provided a significant saving to the scheme. Quantumcorp has provided excellent service, and has provided quality reports within these short timeframes.”